Friday, January 15, 2010

Eclipse-Starve-Globalwarming dilemma

It's solar eclipse today. I am not a very strict follower of all the don’ts priests dictated through TV, but with loads of issues I am already into, I didn’t want to question them or challenge them.

So, here was the deal. Complete the eating ritual before 10.30 and starve till the eclipse gets over. That’s around four hours!

When the eclipse was finally over, I wanted to head to Cafe Coffee day (don’t have a restaurant around here at this time). But then, I was suddenly confronted with several alternatives as my thoughts flowed like this. Why not go home for an hour or so and have some grub and come back? Well you definitely save ~100 rupees on snacks but end up spending around 50 rupees worth of petrol. But then, money is not a problem. Think of the global warming. Carbon footprint of going home is costlier may be? Again, well...are you sure carbon footprint for the snack preparation at the cafe is any lesser? Spending is good for the economy but I am about to build my house.

Well...well...well...I guess the taste buds win here. The thought of biting the donut topped with chocolate sauce is too good to think of anything else at this point!

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