Monday, July 9, 2007

Online Quizzes

While surfing the other day, I accidentally bumped in to this website. Being a fan of small quizzes (like Tickle) my self, I found this pretty interesting and useful. The site is pretty cool, no registration required, not many ads and has plenty of quizzes. You can try a quiz or two, depending up on your time, and the results can be placed in your web site/ blog as I have placed in the right side bar. I found most of them to be reasonable, with a fair judgment of your current mind set. There are of course few of them that would be less relevant if you are not living in the US.

There are no IQ testing quizzes though (or did I miss them). If you have not heard or never visited, and want to try some IQ based quizzes, I suggest you try Tickle. It requires registration etc.

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